Tune in May 6 to hear Principal Goetz’s state of the school update and vote on the following items:
1) A proposed conflict of interest addition to the PTO by-laws.
2) The proposed PTO board members for 2020-21
3) Proposed gift of this year’s unused PTO funds to the school budget
4) Approval of the 2020-2021 PTO Budget (will be shared at the meeting)
Proposed PTO Board for the 2020-21 School Year
President: Ruth Butler
VP: Theresa Yarber
Ex Officio: Annette Ashley
Secretary: Casey Harvey
Treasurers: Chase Brannon & Tara McQuire
Teacher Representative (K-2): Jenna Myers
Teacher Representative (3-4): Amy Eberle
Teacher Representative (Related Arts): Lizzy Williams
Teacher Representative (EE): Lisa Gorley
Teacher Appreciation: Natalie Goldsby & Christina Coldiron
Diversity: Kathy Hamilton & Sarah Laos
Communications: Lauren St. Marie & Valerie Cordero
Fundraising: Jennifer Ervin
Volunteers: Sarah Grace & Whitney Denney
Community Relations: Tracy Eckert
Principal: Elizabeth Goetz
For those still interested in serving in a leadership role, we will have many chair positions open that do not require you to serve on the board. We welcome co-chairs. It is always fun to serve with friends! Reach out to Sarah Grace at sngrace@gmail.com if you are interested.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82544702090?pwd=TXhEOTVxeFR1SmI3UkpIT1hwZkkyQT09 Meeting ID: 825 4470 2090
Password: SPPTO