Please see the message below from Dr. Battle, Director of Schools for MNPS.
Dear MNPS Families,
As we head into another busy week, I wanted to share with you two important pieces of information for your consideration.
First, I’ve decided to push the deadline for responding to the survey about returning to in-person learning or remaining in the virtual environment back by three days. You now have until Friday, September 18, to respond to the survey. If you didn’t receive an email from Panorama Education with a survey link earlier this week, you can always complete it at this link, which also includes answers to frequently asked questions: https://www.mnps.org/blog/2020/9/6/family-decision-survey.
Again, while we are asking you to tentatively choose in-person or virtual learning for the remainder of the school year so schools can make plans and assign staff accordingly, please know that you will be able to change your decision before the second semester begins in January. If you have already filled out the survey and want to make a change to your decision before the deadline Friday, please contact the MNPS Family Information Center.
Second, many of you have wanted to know when your children might be able to return to their school buildings. As long as Nashville continues to make progress in reducing the spread of COVID-19, this is the timeline I’m proposing for returning to the classroom, starting after fall break with the youngest learners and working our way up through the grades:
Grades Return date
Pre-K-2 Tuesday, October 13 (October 13-14 will be half-days for all students)
3-4 Tuesday, October 20
5-6 Tuesday, October 27
7-8 Wednesday, November 4 (Students do not report on November 3 -Election Day)
9-12 January (Start of the second semester)
There are many reasons for high school students to complete this semester in the virtual setting, but two main ones that I want to share. First, our oldest students are the most mobile, the most active outside their homes, and therefore the most likely to contract and spread the virus. Second, it would be more disruptive for students on the 4 X 4 schedule, who are completing a year’s worth of work in a single semester in most classes, to transition back to in-person learning just a few weeks before exams. However, high school students will be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities this semester, and students who continue to learn virtually next semester will be able to do the same alongside those who return in person.
After a lot of discussion with members of the Board of Education, and input from principals and other stakeholders, I believe this schedule will provide for a safe and thoughtful return to school as long as all community members do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing masks and social distancing whenever possible.
I know this year has put a lot of strain on everyone, but we have made a great deal of progress as a community and as a school district. I’m looking forward to welcoming students back to our schools – while continuing to offer a high-quality education to those who wish to remain in the virtual setting – in just a few weeks. I’m grateful for your patience and cooperation and for the chance to serve you.
Adrienne Battle
Director of Schools