May 4th Final PTO Meeting

In addition to the important votes needed to wrap up this year, Ms. Goetz will join and give an update on the last few weeks of school as well as information about this summer.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 6476 1958Passcode: 081545
Proposed 2021-2022 PTO Executive Board:

President – Theresa Yarber

Vice President – Emily Fisher

Ex Officio – Ruth Butler

Treasurer – Matt Grace

Treasurer-in-Training – Jenn Morse

Secretary – Lacey Burke

Fundraising – Jennifer Ervin & Russelle Bradbury

Volunteers – Sarah Grace

Teacher Appreciation – Christina Coldiron & Natalie Goldsby

Diversity – Sarah Laos

Communications – Amanda Reynolds

Community Relations  — Annette Ashley

Teacher Representatives — Lizzy Williams (Related Arts), Jenna Hahn (K-2nd grade) & TBD (3rd-4th grade)

Principal — Elizabeth Goetz

Proposed By-Law Amendment to Article 2.6 (c) and (d):

(c)  The PTO shall maintain a Reserve Fund equal to 20% of the current fiscal year Operating Expenses (the Budget less earmarked Fundraising Expenses) or $5,000, whichever is greater (the “Reserve Amount”). The Reserve Fund shall be held in interest-bearing account separate from the PTO’s general funds.

i.   Any interest from the Reserve Fund may be transferred to the PTO’s general operating account(s) or reinvested.

ii.   If the balance of the Reserve Fund exceeds the Reserve Amount for any reason, the Board may elect to transfer the excess to the PTO’s general operating account(s). 

ii.   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the Reserve Fund may be used for expenditures as approved by a Board vote followed by a full PTO vote.

iii.  If at any time the Reserve Fund contains less than the Reserve Amount all fundraising earnings except for designated under Article 2.6(b) (Earmarked Funds) shall be deposited in the Reserve Fund until the balance reaches the Reserve Amount.

(d)  In addition to the Reserve Fund, the PTO shall strive to preserve a reasonable balance at the end of each fiscal year, to be used by the next year’s PTO as a starting point for the following fiscal year; and,

Current By-Laws