Beginning March 17, 2025, Sylvan Park Elementary will have a new personal technology policy.
Any “smart device” (“smart device” is any device that can access the internet, wifi etc.) cannot be on a student’s person while they are on school property. If a student must come to school with a “smart device,” it needs to be placed in their backpack, on school mode/ cellular data off/ device off, until they leave school property.
NOTE: This applies to PNA as well.
- 1st Offense: Warning and teacher keeps device until the end of the day and returns to student.
- 2nd Offense: Parent/Guardian Notification and administration keeps device until parents can come to school to pick it up.
- 3rd Offense: Discipline Referral Code 203 (Using a cell phone, electronic device, or the internet for non-educational purposes or without the permission of the classroom teacher or school administrator. A teacher may withhold a student’s phone from the student for the duration of the instructional time if the student’s phone is a distraction to the class or the student. -TCA Title 49, Chapter 2 and Title 49, Chapter 6.)
Thanks, in advance, for your cooperation and understanding as we further minimize distractions to the educational environment.