Sylvan Park INVEST Campaign

Your support will help each and every student at Sylvan Park Elementary.

We started this year with the most ambitious fundraising goal that we have ever had… And we made it!

Thank you so very much, we could not have made it without the generous support of each and every member of our Sylvan Park Elementary Community. Your generous donations have helped to fund the instructional interventionist, a position which provides crucial support for students who are not at grade level, and benefits all Sylvan Park students.

A HUGE Thank You to all our business sponsors:


We all know that sometimes schools are under-resourced and we strive to bridge this gap through fundraising.  Through Invest the Sylvan Park Elementary PTO works with the staff and principal to prioritize where support is most critical.  The majority of funds from Invest both last year and this year will go directly to support the instructional interventionist position.