Our Teaches & Staff are Wicked Oz-some!

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week from March 31- April 4th!

Sylvan Park Elementary School We are excited to celebrate Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week from March 31- April 4th! Join in the fun and show appreciation for our OZ-SOME Teachers & Staff!

Monday 3/31

Elphaba’s Wisdom: Write smart things your teacher and staff told you this year!

Tuesday 4/1

Glinda’s Goodness: Bring Teachers & Staff their favorite snack or candy!

Wednesday 4/2

Defy Gravity: Lift Teachers & Staff up with a kind note card or drawing.

Thursday 4/3

Popular: Make Teacher & Staff feel special

Friday 4/4

Emerald City Celebration: Kids dress in Pink & Green

Tickets Available! Sylvan Park Elementary Social + Silent Auction, April 11th

Sylvan Park Spring Fling 2025

Join your fellow Sylvan Park Paideia Elementary parents, teachers, and staff on Friday, April 11th 6-9pm at Fat Bottom Brewing Co. 


Tickets cost $50 per person. We are also collecting donations to purchase tickets for our teachers, staff members, and families in need – who will be able to attend free of charge! Ticket prices include heavy hors d’oeuvres, an open bar, live entertainment, and an opportunity to bid on our awesome silent auction items!    

Silent Auction:

Be sure to check out the exciting auction items up for bid, which are available for viewing on this site. Check back frequently as new items will be added up until the week of the event. Online bidding will open at noon on Monday, April 7th. All bidding will be conducted online and will run through 8:30PM the night of the event. Winners will be notified by email at the end of the event and items won will be available for pick-up onsite. We cannot ship items – winners will be contacted with instructions for claiming items. 

Funds raised by the auction will be used to upgrade classroom supplies and technology, fund events for students, support teachers, staff, and families in need, and so much more! 

Thank you to our sponsor – Richland Building Partners!

You’re Invited to the Sylvan Park Paideia Elementary Science Fair March 6th

Sylvan Park Paideia Project Fair

📅 When: Thursday, March 6, 2025
📍 Where: Sylvan Park Gym
(Enter and sign in through the back parking lot gym doors)

What is a Paideia Project?

A Paideia Project is a unit of study that combines teacher instruction and student learning around a specific topic. It includes a seminar and a student project that captures the ideas and values explored during the seminar.

This year, we kicked off our seminar with a school-wide discussion on the book Ada Twist, Scientist—a story about a young girl with a head full of questions! The themes of perseverance, curiosity, and imagination guided students as they created science projects exploring topics they learned about.

Join Us at the Fair!

Families are invited to visit during their child’s grade-level tour time:

  • 2nd Grade: 8:05 – 8:45 AM
    (Entering from the rear of the building will not impact morning arrival, allowing for an early start time.)
  • 1st Grade: 9:00 – 9:40 AM
  • 4th Grade: 9:50 – 10:30 AM
  • 5th Grade: 10:40 – 11:15 AM
  • 3rd Grade: 11:30 AM – 12:10 PM
  • Kindergarten: 1:00 – 1:40 PM

We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating our students’ hard work! 🎉

Save the Date: April 8th is Sylvan Park’s 4th annual International Night

International Night at Sylvan Park 2025

Sylvan Park’s 4th annual International Night is coming soon! 

On Tuesday, April 8th (5:00-6:00 p.m.), the event will take place once again in the back parking lot. International Night’s success is due to our wonderful parents and students! It has been a memorable experience for our school family each year.   We would love you to be a part of this year’s event! To sign-up as a host, please click:  

Event Information

International Night at Sylvan Park

The event will be held in the back parking lot of the school on from 5:00-6:00 p.m.

In the event of rain, International Night will be held on Thursday, April 10th from 5:00-6:00 p.m.


Tuesday, Apr 8, 2025, 05:00 PM


4801 Utah Avenue, Nashville, TN, USA

Sylvan Park 2024/25 Yearbook Available for Purchase.


Capture Your Memories in this year’s Sylvan Park Paideia Elementary School Yearbook

Customize Your 2 Free Pages

Add photos from your computer, Facebook, Instagram, Google Drive & more.

Answer fun Memory Questions to help remember the year.

The 2 Custom Pages are FREE and are printed ONLY in your book. Want more pages? Each additional 2 pages is just $1.99.

To Purchase & Customize Your Yearbook

  1. Go to: www.treering.com/validate
  2. Enter your school’s passcode: 1015257004414640

Regular price: $17.39

*Does not include sales tax, if applicable

Create Custom Pages by: Mar 31 .** If you order past the date, you can still get a yearbook, it will just be sent to your house instead of our bulk order coming to the school.

Save The Date: Friday April 11th is the Sylvan Park Annual Social

Save The Date: Social & Auction

We are excited to announce the date for our annual Sylvan Park Elementary parent social! Save the Date for Friday, April 11.

Every single parent, teacher and staff member is invited. During the social, we will be having a charity auction to help raise funds for our wonderful teachers and school. Any contribution you make, be it time, goods and services, or money, will have an impact on our children.

What: Food, Drinks, & Silent Auction
Where: The Reserve at Fat Bottom Brewing Co. 
When: Friday, April 11

We do need your help! 

We are in need of items for the charity auction. We’re looking for restaurant gift cards, vacation homes, staycations, photography sessions, big items, small items, anything you can think to contribute! 

  • Do you have an air bnb you’d be willing to donate?
  • Sport memorabilia?
  • Sommelier skills?
  • Season tickets to Bridgestone or Nissan?
  • Soccer tickets?
  • Do you have friends who own businesses in town that might want to contribute?

You can talk to your room parent or email pto.spark.fundraising@gmail.com.

Fall Clean Out: Donate “outgrown, not worn out” school clothing in our school UniCycle Closet.

unicycle donation

Fall Clean Out: Help us to keep our school closet stocked with great options for any student who needs them by donating what no longer fits.


What: your students’ outgrown (NOT worn out) SSA and spirit wear
Where: bins at the main entrance AND car rider entrances OR drop off at 4209 Idaho Ave
When: Nov 13-15

Why: Donated clothes will be used for distribution to SP students, re-stocking Sylvan Park’s closet for future/urgent needs, and contributing to Metro’s warehouse of SSA (from whence all schools, including SP, can & do request SSA in particular sizes/styles as needs arise).

Bonus: Surplus Sylvan Park Spirit wear will likely be available for all students & families at the Book Fair 11/19-11/21 (donation to SP PTO’s hardship fund optional).

Questions? Reach out to Patti Chew (patricia.a.frost@gmail.com)

Need to request clothes for your student? Reach out to Ms. Middlebrooks (Meredith.middlebrooks@mnps.org)

INVEST Campaign: Popsicles for Participation.

POPSICLES for Participation

POPSICLES for Participation was a success!  187 INVEST donations counted and over 52K raised to date.  The rain held off just long enough for our panthers to enjoy their popsicles at recess!  Thank you to each and every donation, we profoundly appreciate your support.

Haven’t contributed and would like to, NOW IS THE TIME!  

Only 9 days to go and we still need your help to reach our goal of $120K!  Our need to retain an interventionist and other critical support is paramount and contributes to the success of every child at our wonderful school.  We can’t do this without your support!

First school-wide seminar for the 2024-2025 school year: Collaboration Station

Collaboration Station

September School-wide Seminar

Over the last two weeks, students participated in our first school-wide seminar.  Students worked in groups to complete the Cup and String challenge.  Classes read the book Collaboration Station by Shannon Olsen and discussed what collaboration looks and sounds like in our classrooms.  

In this seminar students will discuss the values of collaboration, mindset, teamwork, and communication and participate in an engaging and fun collaborative activity. 

For our post-seminar activity, students worked in groups to create an informational poster to showcase their learning about what collaboration looks like and sounds like in our classrooms.  Ask your child about this engaging and meaningful learning experience! 

New Items Available in the SpiritWear Store

“New swag has arrived!  We have a couple different designs, as you can see here and more coming!  

  • “It’s Cool to be Kind” t-shirt, long sleeve and tote
  • “I love my Sylvan Park Panther” t-shirt
  • New tie dye colors with a bit of a softer fabric – these will have the basic Sylvan Park logo

Coming Soon:  New colors of t-shirts, NON hoodie sweatshirts, new softer long sleeves, hats, more new designs and more!  

Have ideas on other SWAG you’d like to see – shoot a note to Ashley Ryan at ashleymbecker@gmail.com.  Pumped to add all this new gear (and more!) on the site!”

2024 INVEST Campaign and Fun(d) Run

Sylvan Park Invest 24

Sylvan Park’s 2024-25 INVEST Campaign kicked off this past week!

UPDATE: We are halfway to the end of our INVEST Campaign and have raised over $35K, 30% towards our goal of $120K! We are coming up on our final push to secure funds for our much needed Interventionist and we still very much need your help! 

With 16 days left in the campaign we are announcing POPSICLES FOR PARTICIPATION. This event is our effort to secure 150 INVEST donors by the end of this week! POPSICLES FOR PARTICIPATION is an all inclusive, school wide celebration. If we reach 150 donors, your child will receive a popsicle during their scheduled recess hour on Monday, September 23rd. Already donated? Share with a friend or family member! Thank you!

Our annual INVEST Campaign is dreaming BIG for the 2024-2025 school year as we strive to reach our goal of $120K!

The Fun(d) Run

INVEST is the actual fundraising campaign. The Fun(d) Run was created a few years ago as a way to get the kids excited and celebrate by doing a run around the track at the end of the campaign. They’ll get a “Fun Run” T-Shirt , another popsicle and pride for lots of laps around the track. And a great playlist curated by our very own Coach Scott for a dance party to boot!

Car Rider Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Arrival and Dismissal map 2024

Arrival and Dismissal

School begins at 8:00 a.m. School doors open at 7:45 a.m. for students. Please do not drop off your child any earlier than 7:45 due to lack of supervision. Students should be seated and ready to begin the instructional day when announcements begin at 8:00 a.m. Students arriving after 8:00 are tardy and must be signed in by an adult in the office.

Car rider drop off is in the back of the school ONLY. If families would like to park and walk with their student, please park at least one block away. NEVER drop your student in front of the building from your car, this creates safety issues for our walkers.

Students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Children must be picked up by 3:15 p.m. Please do not pick your child up any later than 3:15 due to the lack of supervision.

Morning Drop Off

  • Out Back: Follow staff directing traffic as you pull into the parking lot.
  • Cars in the outside (left lane) will remain in the left lane all the way up to the staff member with the stop sign or until traffic stops.
  • The inside middle lane will merge into the right lane to pull all the way up in the right lane.
  • Students will remain in cars until all cars have stopped and a long whistle is blown. Students may then exit the car, move towards the sidewalk, and enter through their marked grade level doors [K-gym., 1st-2nd corner ramp, 3rd-4th – 5th central car rider door)
  • Once all students have exited the parking lot, two short whistles will be blown, and the stop sign will be put down signaling cars to leave.
  • Students will NOT exit their car if parked in the middle lane and walk over grass medians. Those students must wait until the car pulls into the outside lanes near the sidewalks.
  • Out Front: No student drop off in front of school. Park on side street and walk your child to the front.

Afternoon Drop Off

  • Follow staff directing traffic as you pull into the parking lot.
  • Cars in the outside (left lane) will remain in the left lane all the way up to the staff member with the stop sign or until traffic stops.
  • The inside middle lane will merge into the right lane to pull all the way up in the right lane.
  • Students’ names will be called (please place nametag in driver’s window) as cars pull into the parking lot and students will exit the school to their designated grade level boxes outside.
  • Once all cars have pulled up and traffic stops a long whistle will blow signaling for the students to their cars.
  • Cars will remain stopped until all students are in their cars, 2 short whistles will be blown, and the stop sign will be put down signaling cars to leave.