Students must wear items listed below:
- Any solid color shirt. No logo bigger than 2 inches (no text; collars not required) o Sleeveless (wide straps only), no tank tops
- Any sweaters, cardigans, or additional layer of clothing that is worn throughout the day should be a solid color. No logo being no bigger than 2 inches. No winter jackets can be worn inside building.
- No hats or hoodies can be covering head when inside the school. Headwear is only permitted for religious reasons.
- No oversized or undersized clothing allowed (ex. No top longer than bottoms. Bottoms must be visible. Midriff must be covered)
- Sylvan Park Spirit wear may be worn any day.
- Any solid color pants/khakis/jeans/shorts/skirts/athletic pants (no holes/rips)
- Solid-colored leggings with a shirt/top that is fingertip length/completely covering
- Leggings (solid colors) may be worn under dress/skirts/shorts
- Shorts/dresses/skirts must be to fingertip length

- Shoes must have a closed toe. No flip flops.
- Sneakers/tennis shoes strongly encouraged on PE days
Fridays-Spirit Day/Team Day
(wear Sylvan Park shirt or your favorite Team shirt/sweatshirt) **Any Non-SSA days will be communicated via call-out or by your child’s teacher.
Out of SSA
- 1st Offense – Teacher conference with student & clothing change
- 2nd & 3rd Offense – Teacher contact parent & document (Contact counselor if there are clothing needs)
- 4th Offense– Admin contact parent (Ascertain clothing needs)
Spirit Wear
Visit the to order Sylvan Park Spirit wear for your child (and anyone else 😉 )
All items ship free to the school and will be sent home when the items arrive. Unless ship to home is selected.