What We’re Going to Do With It

Based on input we gathered from the staff, the PTO recently discussed specific investments we will provide, including stocking our winter clothing closet, providing teachers with necessary supplies, funding a field trip for each grade, and offering exciting in-school experiences. Keep an eye out in the regular newsletter for updates! If you have ideas for this year and/or future years, please don’t hesitate to reach out to pto.spark.fundraising@gmail.com. We already have a few things in flight and we’re so excited to share more!

Shout Out to Our Sponsors

BIG KUDOS TO OUR SPONSORS!!!! Part of what makes Sylvan Park Elementary so great are the ways that we are lifted up by the community around us. We have parents who work hard to run businesses and give generously to help fund our goals. We have supporters across the neighborhood who seek out ways to give and participate and help. It takes a village and we have a great one! We hope you go and support each of these sponsors every chance you get! In addition, keep an eye out for spirit nights where we partner with businesses to get a percentage of sales donated to our school!

Moments from the Fun Run

We heard everything from “I did 11 laps!” to “I’m so tired!” to “Can I have 2 popsicles if I run 8 laps instead of 4?” These kids crushed it. They encouraged each other. They giggled. They chased bubbles. Here are a couple of our favorite moments from the Fun Run day! Huge thanks to all who came out to volunteer and cheer, and thanks to those who couldn’t come but hyped your student up before the big day and celebrated their win when they came home!!

What We Raised

This community is truly special. We thank you – for your generosity, for rallying friends and family, for getting your kids excited. 276 families donated amounts ranging from $5-$2,000! We are SO excited about what we’ll be able to do with these funds and we could not have done it without you.

Trunk or Treat Fun

Thank you to all who attended our 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat event! It was a great turnout and the kids had a blast. Special thanks to Ray Arceneaux and Lizzy Williams for coordinating such a fun night. And congratulations to the winning Trunk: Wayne’s World courtesy of Brown and Cunningham!

Connect Workshop

There are four spots available for couples to attend a relationship workshop hosted by parent Christina Coldiron. The workshop will be led by highly regarded licensed therapist Dr. Carol Stoney. Visit https://calendly.com/rosewoodnash/connect for more info.

Thanks for Stocking the Lounge!

Once again, our Sylvan Park community came through to shower our staff with love, appreciation, and yummy treats last Wednesday. Thank you for making teacher appreciation a priority!

A Note on Crossing Guards

There have been ongoing questions from parents around the lack of a crossing guard or proper safety precautions in areas surrounding our school. If you would like to contact Metro to relay your concerns, we encourage you to contact Sergeant Mark Denton.

Fun Run Raised $64,000!

We made it! $64,000! Yes, that’s up from our letter in student folders! We have so much to be proud of and we can’t say thanks enough to this community, both here in Nashville and extended, for helping us meet this goal. We are so excited to spoil our teachers, bring some incredible experiences to our Panthers, and make sure each and every student has an incredible rest of the year.

Peek at the sponsors on the back of the Fun Run t-shirts and on the magnets and go support them. And again, to all of you, thank you.

Keep an eye out for a special edition Fun Run newsletter coming soon! And give your kids a big high five from the Fun Run crew. They rocked it!

Book Fair This Week!

Our Scholastic Book Fair is this week, November 14-18. We are looking for a few more volunteers each morning to help kids shop, as well as volunteers to assist with clean up. Please sign up to help here.