Girl Scouts After School Club

Girl Scout Troop 672 is a multi-level troop: Daisies (K-1), Brownies (2-3), Juniors (4-5). Our all-troop meetings will be on the first Thursday of each school month from 6:00p-7:30p, plus several additional opportunities for activities, trips and break-out grade level meetings each semester. And of course, as our yearly big fundraiser for all our fun, we sell everyone’s favorite COOKIES! Cost for participation in the 2022-23 school year is $90 ($25 Girl Scouts of Middle TN registration, $25 troop snack fee, $40 uniform). Interested families can email us at and we will respond with the registration link and be happy to answer any additional questions.

Open House is TONIGHT, 8/23!

Open House is TONIGHT, August 23. Parents/ guardians will report directly to the classroom. We will host two sessions, 6p-6:30p and 6:35p-7:05p. Both sessions will be the same so families with more than one child or more than one teacher can meet each teacher (if you have more than 2 children at SP or more then 2 teachers- 5th grade- please make arrangements with the teacher to get the information that you need).

Open House is intended for parents, not students. We WILL have childcare for potty-trained children age 3 and older (just bring your child to the gym) during Open House so that you can focus on the information being shared. Please sign up here for child care so that we can make appropriate plan.

Save the Date for Grandparents and Granola!

Calling all grandparents and special caregivers! Join us Thursday, September 1st to celebrate your student(s) in front of the school. The event will start at 7:30am and the PTO will provide light refreshments. We hope to see you there!

First Week Back Teacher Snack Bar

Thank you for helping us welcome back our teachers with a snack bar! It was a great first week and we appreciate all our wonderful teachers, staff, and parents!

Volunteer to Be a Home Room Parent!

Are you looking for a rewarding way to be involved at Sylvan Park? The PTO needs a Home
Room Parent (HRP) for each classroom. HRPs, a tradition at Sylvan Park, serve as a liaison between teachers, parents, and the PTO board. Please consider volunteering for this most rewarding role for your child’s classroom this year! Email Blair Gunn at if interested.

Thank You Parents and Families!

We are so grateful for the parents and students who rolled up their sleeves for Parent Work Days this past weekend and helped get our classrooms looking fabulous!

Our Beautiful Library Mural

A huge thank you to Sylvan Park parent Amanda Wilson for painting the beautiful new mural in the library over the summer. Her work will be enjoyed by the entire community for many years!

Kindergarten Coffee

All Kindergarten families are invited to join the Kindergarten teachers via Zoom for an informational meeting on Friday, August 5 from 8-9 a.m. to learn the ins and outs of starting at Sylvan Park. Click here to join the meeting. We hope you can join us!

Additional Ways to See the School

You will have the opportunity to see your child’s classroom and meet the teacher 8/5/22, 3p-5p. If you are a KINDERGARTEN parent who is unable to attend the Ice Cream Social on 8/5, you will have an opportunity on Monday, 8/8, 12p-12:30p, to see your child’s classroom and briefly meet their teacher. School will be in session until 3p for 1st-5th grades so, this is a K parent opportunity only, for those who missed the 8/5 event. Please be aware that we are required to scan each adults driver’s license before entering the main building so come with your driver’s license. Please come through the front entrance of the school building to check-in at the front office.

We welcome our new SP families! If you are in grades 1st-5th and missed our 8/5 Roster reveal/ Meet the Teacher/ Ice Cream Social, we have arranged special tour times just for you! Please see to sign up for tours 8/16 or 8/23 at 9a or 9:45a. Feel free to contact with questions.