Find out more about West End Middle School! Talk to West End’s principal, teachers, and current West End parents at a virtual coffee on Tuesday, October 26 t 8:15a.m. Join the Zoom meeting here.
Parent Teacher Conferences – THIS Friday!
There will be NO SCHOOL this Friday, October 29. Instead, it is Parent Teacher Conference day. Please get in touch with your child’s teacher if you still need to schedule a conference.
Halloween Trunk or Treat
We hope you will join us for some Halloween fun, Sylvan Park style! Teachers will be decorating their cars and passing out candy in the back parking lot. After you’ve visited each decorated trunk, vote for your favorite! Please send in a bag of candy to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, October 27th to donate to the event.
iPad Charger Drive
Our teachers are in need of 15-20 iPad chargers (lightning cables), including the power cubes. If you are able to donate, please let your child’s teacher know. Thank you!
Log in to your Student Dashboard
Campus Portal, formerly called the Family Portal, is a place where families and students can see real-time class and assignment grades, homework, test scores, upcoming due dates, attendance information, discipline incidents, and more. You can log into to your child’s portal here:
Curriculum Night is October 19th
Mark your calendars for this year’s virtual Curriculum Night on Tuesday, October 19th. We will be learning about our ELA and Math curricula as well as the Paideia philosophy. A link is forthcoming – we hope you’ll plan to be there!
Time to get your Fall Spirit Wear!
Make sure you’re ready for colder school days with fall spirit wear – long sleeve shirts and hoodies are available! Order here.
Spirit Week Next Week!
Join us in celebrating Panther Pride next week, October 4-7! Each day is something special, and we will cap off the week with our Fun Run. Panthers, you are the best!
Stock the Lounge for Our Teachers and Staff!
Please sign up at to fill our teacher lounge with goodies. This is an easy and super effective way to shower our staff with love and appreciation. Drop off treats this Thursday, September 30.