The Kindergarten team will meet with incoming Kindergarten students by appointment on Friday, July 23 and Monday, July 26. This time will help teachers plan instruction that is tailored to student needs on the first day of school. Plus, it gives students another opportunity to meet Kindergarten teachers, helping them make a smoother start to the year! Sign up today!
Kindergarten Playdate!

Incoming Kindergarten families: Join us at the Sylvan Park playground on July 25 from 3-4 p.m. Meet other families and get all your questions answered. Can’t wait to see you there!

Community is what makes Sylvan Park such a special place! Thank you parents, grandparents, caregivers, community sponsors, students, teachers & staff for working together to make the most of a challenging year!
Summer Reading Challenge

Sylvan Park students love a reading challenge! The Nashville Public Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is live. Start logging minutes to win prizes:
Last Chance! Order Supply Kits by Friday, May 28th

Don’t forget to order your student’s school supply kit for next year! This Friday, May 28th is the LAST DAY to submit orders!
Not only do you save time and get all the supplies your teachers requested in one easy order, but our school receives a percentage of your order. Get your back-to-school shopping out of the way early, help support our school and enjoy a summer day!
Simply order online at Enter our school’s account number 79045. Order the box corresponding to your student’s grade level in the Fall. Place your order by May 28, 2021. Questions? Contact Theresa Yarber at
Summer Break Begins

We hope our Panthers enjoy their Summer Break. We can’t wait to see everyone again in August!
Important Summer Dates: *We are hopeful that our PTO summer events will take place as planned, but check back in July to confirm the details.
Promising Scholars begins June 7th
1st-4th Grade Ice Cream Social, August 5th at 4pm
Kindergarten Coffee, August 5th at 8am
Parent Work Day, August 7th
Kindergarten Ice Cream Social, August 9th at 4pm
First Day of School, August 10th
4th Grade Virtual Awards Ceremony

4th Grade Families, join the 4th Grade Virtual Awards Ceremony with this link:
Join Zoom Meeting*
Meeting ID: 823 6036 0923
Passcode: 4thgrade
*For Virtual Students with an MNPS laptop, you will need to join using your Web Browser. Zoom cannot be downloaded onto MNPS issued laptops.

13 years together! Former Sylvan Park Panthers and current Hillsboro Seniors returned to the Sylvan Park playground to memorialize where their educational journey began.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that provides a temporary discount on monthly broadband bills for qualifying low-income households. If your household is eligible, you can receive:• Up to a $50/month discount on your broadband service and associated equipment rentals• Up to a $75/month discount if your household is on qualifying Tribal lands• A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of more than $10 but less than $50)
Only one monthly service discount and one device discount is allowed per household.
For more information visit
Minutes from May 4th PTO Meeting
The final PTO meeting was held May 4th via Zoom. The 2021-2022 Executive Board was approved at the May 4th PTO meeting. Thank you to the following volunteers, who will be serving on the PTO Board next year:
President – Theresa Yarber
Vice President – Emily Fisher
Ex Officio – Ruth Butler
Treasurer – Matt Grace
Treasurer-in-Training – Jenn Morse
Secretary – Lacey Burke
Fundraising – Jennifer Ervin
Russelle Bradbury
Volunteers – Sarah Grace
Teacher Appreciation – Christina Coldiron
Natalie Goldsby
Diversity – Sarah Laos
Communications – Amanda Reynolds
Community Relations – Annette Ashley
Teacher Representatives – Lizzy Williams (Related Arts), Jenna Hahn (K-2nd grade) & Keisha Williams (3rd-4th grade)
Principal – Elizabeth Goetz
The following amended language from Article 2.6 (c) and (d) of the Sylvan Park PTO By Laws was approved:
(c) The PTO shall maintain a Reserve Fund equal to 20% of the current fiscal year Operating Expenses (the Budget less earmarked Fundraising Expenses) or $5,000, whichever is greater (the “Reserve Amount”). The Reserve Fund shall be held in interest-bearing account separate from the PTO’s general funds.
i. Any interest from the Reserve Fund may be transferred to the PTO’s general operating account(s) or reinvested.
ii. If the balance of the Reserve Fund exceeds the Reserve Amount for any reason, the Board may elect to transfer the excess to the PTO’s general operating account(s).
ii. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the Reserve Fund may be used for expenditures as approved by a Board vote followed by a full PTO vote.
iii. If at any time the Reserve Fund contains less than the Reserve Amount all fundraising earnings except for designated under Article 2.6(b) (Earmarked Funds) shall be deposited in the Reserve Fund until the balance reaches the Reserve Amount.
(d) In addition to the Reserve Fund, the PTO shall strive to preserve a reasonable balance at the end of each fiscal year, to be used by the next year’s PTO as a starting point for the following fiscal year; and,
Information for Entering Kindergarten Families

Sylvan Park is excited to welcome our new Kindergarten families in August! We know you are excited too, but also a little nervous about this big milestone. There will be lots of information coming in July, so keep watch on the newsletter as we get closer to the start of school. In the meantime, here are a few important things to know:
-Don’t forget to register! Kindergarten Registration is open. Registering early helps our school plan for your student. Find out more:
-You can get a head start on back to school shopping by purchasing a School Supply Kit with everything the Kindergarten teachers requested in one box delivered directly to your child’s classroom before the 1st day of school. Sylvan Park PTO also gets a portion of the proceeds! Simply order online at Enter our school’s account number 79045. Order the Kindergarten Girl or Boy box. Place your order by May 28, 2021. Questions? Contact Theresa Yarber at
-Will your student need before or aftercare? Our onsite option is PNA (Project for Neighborhood Aftercare). Check out for enrollment information. Contact Yawanda McCord with questions,
-Sylvan Park students wear “Standard School Attire” (SSA) for school each day. This means shirts with collars in solid colors–no stripes, no patterns, no words. (Any Insignia on the shirts must be less than 2 inches in diameter.) Pants, skirts, or shorts in khaki, navy blue, or black may also be worn. SSA can be purchased at Walmart, Target, Old Navy, etc, and is usually easy to find in the weeks before school starts.
-Students may also wear Sylvan Park “Spirit Wear” (shirts and sweatshirts with
the Sylvan Park logo). Links to the Online Spirit Wear store can be found on the PTO website, For early summer orders, please select the Ship to Home option. Look in the July newsletter for ship to school order options and deadlines.
Save the Date (Dates and events are subject to change)
August 5, 8-9am Kindergarten Coffee: Learn the ABC’s of Kindergarten at Sylvan Park
August 9, 4-5pm Kindergarten Ice Cream Social
August 10, 8am 1st Day of School Coffee & Kleenex
Don’t Miss an Important Announcement, Get Connected to the PTO:
• Sign up for the PTO weekly newsletter at
• Facebook: Sylvan Park Elementary Paideia Design Center PTO
• Instagram: @sylvanparkpto
• Twitter: @SylvanParkPTO

Last week’s celebration of our wonderful teachers and staff. Thank you Teacher Appreciation Chairs, Christina Coldiron and Natalie Goldsby, and all those who contributed items for Stock the Lounge or sent in notes of appreciation.
Order Your School Supply Kits Today!

Not only do you save time and get all the supplies your teachers requested in one easy order, but our school receives a percentage of your order. Get your back-to-school shopping out of the way early, help support our school and enjoy a summer day!
Simply order online at Enter our school’s account number 79045. Order the box corresponding to your student’s grade level in the Fall. Place your order by May 28, 2021. Questions? Contact Theresa Yarber at