Let’s Goet(z) Together, Friday, December 4
Join Ms. Goetz and PTO for a Virtual Coffee this Friday. As the first semester draws to a close, let’s check in and share our appreciation, questions, or concerns.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85765781802?pwd=Q3VFQ205ZGRzeTRJR08reGhTZFJsdz09
Meeting ID: 857 6578 1802 Passcode: GOETZ
West End Middle Virtual Information Session, December 3
Attention 4th grade families: Find out what awaits you next year at West End Middle School by attending a virtual information session on Thursday, December 3, at 6 PM. You’ll hear about academics, extracurriculars, and the caring, supportive community at our neighborhood middle school from principal Trey Stephens and West End teachers, students, and parents. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. To receive a login link to this online event, you must register at westendptso.org/info.
Supporting Reading at Home
The MNPS Literacy Department invites you to watch this 13-minute video about how to support reading at home.
Fall Harvest from School Garden!
Our students did an awesome job of harvesting sweet potatoes from the school garden! We thank Ms. Brown for guiding this activity.
Checking Your Student’s Progress in Schoology
Today marks the mid-point of the 2nd Quarter. This year, Progress Reports will not be mailed home, unless the student currently has a D or F in a course. Parents can check their student’s progress in Schoology. Last night, Ms. Goetz hosted a meeting explaining how parents can use Schoology to check their student’s grades. You can view the recording of the meeting or download a pdf of instructions from the District. (You must sign into an MNPS account to view the pdf.) You can also watch the district’s video called “Staying Informed: Checking Your Student’s Progress in Schoology.”
Virtual Parent Meeting on Monday, November 16 at 6pm
Student Progress Reports will not be sent home this quarter, but you can check your student’s grades in Schoology. Learn how at this Virtual Parent Meeting, November 16 at 6pm.
Topic: Checking Your Student’s Progress in Schoology
Time: Nov 16, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 8963 1283
Passcode: SPMeeting
Save the Date: Nicky’s $10 Pizza Night, December 3
Don’t forget that this Thursday, December 3rd is pizza night at Nicky’s Coal Fired. Nicky’s has graciously offered to sponsor a $10 pizza night for all Sylvan Park families, teachers, and staff and will donate 20% of food sales purchased through the link back to our school. So make dinner easy this Thursday by supporting our generous sponsor!
To order, please use this link: https://bit.ly/NickysNight
This link is a private one for Sylvan Park only and will not be displayed on the Nicky’s website. Only orders received through this link will count towards the giveback to our school.