District Hosts In-Person Tech Support
This week, Metro Schools opened outdoor, in-person tech support locations at five schools to support families and students with any virtual learning questions or issues. Now through Sept. 18, families and students can visit one of these six schools for in-person support every Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.:
Robert Churchwell Elementary
Glenview Elementary
Mt. View Elementary
Tusculum Elementary
Jere Baxter Middle School
Donelson Middle School
Staff will be on-site to troubleshoot and answer questions about:
- Wi-Fi hotspots and connectivity
- Logging into Teams, Schoology or other platforms
- General technology questions.
Appointments are not required and translation support is available.
Grading for the 2020-2021 School Year
Here are the grading norms effective 9/8/20.
- All assignments are due each Sunday at 11:59p. Assignments will remain accessible through the 9 week period but we strongly recommend that students submit assignments each week.
- New assignments will be posted each week on Monday at 8am.
- All teachers will ensure that graded assignments are easily found (Parents, please notice the right side of the Schoology pages and our How to Videos on our Weebly site).
- One retake will be given for each graded assignment for any grade BELOW 70%.
- The grade will be the AVERAGE of the two grades.
- Lowest grade on any assignment/ assessment= ZERO (0%).
- Lowest grade for a subject each quarter= FIFTY (50%).
- FLVS modules/assignments will be adjusted by each grade level in each subject area using professional judgment while maintaining the integrity of the curriculum.
- NOTE: related arts are required subjects. Students must complete the assignments/ assessments.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to your teacher, or administration, if you have school level questions or concerns. MNPS wants to hear your voice. If you have concerns about the FLVS curriculum, or input about virtual learning at the district level, please reach out to our district board representative Abigail Tylor at Abigail.Tylor@mnps.org.
Let’s Goet(z) Together This Friday at 7:30 AM!
Join Ms. Goetz this Friday, September 4, 7:30am, for a virtual coffee. Share your questions or concerns prior to the meeting at PTO.spark@gmail.com.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4954 5383
Passcode: Goetz

MAP Testing Help for Parents
As MAP testing continues, Mrs. Calverley has created this parent help page with videos covering logging in, the practice test, and more.
I Believe in Nashville Reading Challenge

Our latest independent reading challenge has launched!
I Believe in Nashville is available to students through the Beanstack app in the Clever Portal or at http://mnpssylvanparkes.beanstack.org/. Students are challenged to read for 20 minutes a day and log that reading in the Beanstack app or at As they increase their reading minutes, they will unlock iconic Nashville-themed virtual badges. For more details on how to log in and log minutes, see this video. Use your 190# and PIN (MMDD of birthday) to log in!
3 More Home Room Parents Needed

We need three more volunteers to sign on as Home Room Parents! If you have a child in Ms. Banik, Ms. Eubanks, or Ms. Hester’s class, consider signing up for this volunteer opportunity by emailing Natalie Goldsby.
About Home Room Parents: A parent(s) serves as a liaison between teachers, parents, and the PTO board. This role typically involves organizing classroom parties (around 3-4 per year,) as well as creating an email group for your classroom parents in order to forward important information that needs distribution.
This year, our HRPs’ responsibilities might look a little different. HRPs will serve to create a much needed sense of community between classroom families during this time when we all need it. As specific parent or teacher needs arise, the HRP will be able to facilitate communication so we may all find the answers and help we need.
Please email Natalie Goldsby, Head Home Room Parent, at ntgoldsby@gmail.com if interested.
Cub Scout Information

Cub Scout Pack 17 invites boys and girls, Kindergarten through 4th grade, to learn about what it means to be a Scout. If you are interested, contact Cubmaster Michael Friddell at michael.dr@friddell.net or 615-330-8677
How-To Videos from Mrs. Calverley

Mrs. Calverley has created several how-to videos to help parents with Schoology. Check them out!
Habitat Yoga Classes
At-Home Yoga & Craft Kits – Since students will be at home and parents might need extended working hours, Habitat Yoga created 2 different series to keep kids occupied, having fun, and learning — 1) Yoga + My 5 Senses for PreK-3rd Grade and 2) Yoga + the Galaxy for Kind-4th Grade.
Each series comes with 5 recorded yoga classes that each student can do at home (via Youtube) and 5 craft projects with a video of a teacher leading them through the instructions. The craft kit includes everything the student will need for all of these activities (except for a few basics, like scissors and coloring utensils). All of these yoga + craft classes can be done on their own time and at their own pace, whenever families need a more structured entertaining activity!
These kits are priced at $150 per student, which includes all supplies and 10 activities (45 mins each)