Food Options for Families
Option #1 – Meals
Currently Nutrition Services is serving breakfast and lunch at ALL schools and at bus stops. For information on CEP and non-CEP schools go here. Additional information including bus route information can be found here
Option #2 – Food boxes
Families can pick-up food boxes from sites found in the Meals tab at this link. (middle of the page)
Option #3 – Text Feeds to 797979 for other food distribution sites in Nashville
Sign Vandalism–PTO Needs Your Help!

Our school sign has been vandalized multiple times over the past few months. Ms. Goetz has asked for our help so that she can continue to put messages to our community on the sign. PTO received several quotes for locking Vandal Covers but they are cost-prohibitive at this time. If anyone in our community has connections to a commercial sign company or experience with security camera options and installation, please contact the PTO at PTO.spark@gmail.com.
Instructional Materials Pick-up

Curbside pick-up of instructional materials is today, Tuesday (8/18). These resources are critical to your child’s curriculum. K-4 will be receiving workbooks that go along with the virtual curriculum, a stack of paper math manipulatives, AND the first weeks of school forms to be completed. K-2 will also receive books that supplement their learning sessions. Please be sure to come by Sylvan Park Tuesday to get your materials.
To help control the flow, K-2 will pick up in the back parking lot and 3rd-4th grades will pick up at the front of the school. Last names A-M will come from 3-4pm. Last names N-Z will come between 4-5pm. We look forward to seeing you!
Virtual Open House Tuesday Night!
Join Sylvan Park staff and PTO for Virtual Open House Tuesday at 6pm! We will begin all together with introductory remarks from Ms. Goetz and PTO, then break out into grade-level meetings. Use the hyperlinked agenda sent by Ms. Goetz and posted to https://sylvanparkpdc.weebly.com/ to access the meeting.

TennCare Kids Encourages Students to Get Their Physical Checkups!
Did you know that TennCare Kids and CoverKids physical checkups are FREE? These checkups keep children healthy and can prevent illness or disability. For these reasons, they are very important!
Children should visit their dentist every 6 months. If your child is enrolled in TennCare Kids or CoverKids, dental checkups are also free.
Visit tenncareconnect.tn.gov to apply online or call 1-855-259-0701 to apply by phone.
Telehealth Visits are Available for Students
Telehealth is available for our students! Well Child is the district-approved vendor who normally offers well exams every year in schools. Due to COVID-19, they have recently expanded their services to include in-home virtual visits. Additionally, Well Child is now able to send electronic prescriptions when needed for treatment of minor and acute illnesses. Well Child Telehealth may be used for:
- Annual well exams
- Minor/acute illness or medical care.
See the flyers below for more information.
Sylvan Park Virtual Learning Launchpad
Use the Sylvan Park Weebly site to find weekly schedules for all grade levels, contact information for teachers and staff, a helpful tutorial for logging into Clever and Schoology, and information on school meals. This will be a helpful site for parents and students to bookmark.
First Day of School Photos!
Thanks to all the Panthers and Panther parents for posting photos from the first day of school!
MNPS Playbook for Meals

Are you looking for information about meals? Click this link to read about picking up meals at the school, paying with MySchoolBucks, pick up times (11:30am-12:30pm for elementary school families), and free and reduced lunch forms: https://www.mnps.org/playbook-meals.
MNPS Parent Playbook for the First Week of School

What can I expect this first week of school? Your teacher will be contacting you to get to know you better. Whether it be whole class or 1:1 sessions, keep an eye out for communication from your homeroom teacher.
Additionally, schedules are posted in the Playbook for students to engage in optional, nonacademic activities during the first week of school. Students can participate if they are not otherwise engaged in a conflicting school-based activity at the same time. Schedules are in the ‘First Few Weeks of School’ section of the Parent Playbook here: https://www.mnps.org/first-weeks-of-school-elem
Show Your Panther Pride on August 4th!

Show your panther pride this Tuesday, August 4th on social media! Post a back to school picture of your student in their panther gear. You can tag Sylvan Park PTO on Facebook and Instagram and use the hashtag #sylvanparkbacktoschool2020.
We can’t wait to see all the familiar faces from our school community!
Link to Download PDF of SEL Lessons
If you would like to download a PDF of this week’s social emotional learning (SEL) lessons, follow the link below. Parents or students just need to click the appropriate button on the PDF at the time of the lesson.
Kindergarten Virtual Coffee
Kindergarten parents, did you miss the Virtual Coffee on Thursday? Here’s a recording of the zoom meeting.
Laptop, School Supply Kit, and Spirit Wear Deployment Plan
From Ms. Goetz:
Wednesday (July 29) from 12pm-4pm will be phase 1 of our technology deployment. If your household does not have a laptop or if you need a hotspot for wifi connectivity, this will be the time for you to pick one up. Just like in May, this will be curbside pick-up only. Staff will be outside- in the back parking lot- at the top of the car rider lane to greet you and bring your items out to you. Also being distributed Wednesday, July 29, from 12pm-4pm is school supply kits and spirit wear. If you purchased a school supply kit and/or ordered spirit wear prior to Thursday, July 23, come to the gym doors (also the back parking lot) at Sylvan Park and we will run them out to you. This will also be your last chance to pick up your child’s belongings from 2019-20 school year. If you did not get a chance to come for our May pick up, you have one more opportunity (ask the staff by the gym doors for your child’s bag). Any items not picked up will be donated.
Phase 2 of our technology deployment will include families with multiple children but not enough devices. Please do not come to pick up a laptop on Wednesday, July 29, if you have a laptop in your household. We want to ensure that those without a device are taken care of before distributing more devices to a household. Keep in mind, once the laptops purchased with the CARES Act funds arrive, everyone will receive a computer- but we will tackle that when the district receives those devices. In the meantime, we are distributing school computers, and they are limited. Phase 2 technology deployment will be Thursday, July 30, from 4pm-6pm (if you miss phase 1 and are in need of a device, you are welcome to come during phase 2 pick-up). Phase 2 will include families with multiple children but not enough laptops. Please come to the back parking lot Thursday, July 30, from 4pm-6pm. Thank you, in advance, for your patience as we work to distribute all of these needs during curbside pick-up. See you soon!