Coronavirus Guidance

Nashville is the latest city to have a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19). This is a cause for concern, vigilance, and science-based instruction – not panic.

MNPS has been working closely with Metro Public Health Department (MPHD), which follows guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) and the State Health Department to monitor the situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We want to emphasize important ways to be safe and prevent illness from spreading. Below is a list of common-sense ways to stop the spread of germs and sickness. ALL teachers will be reviewing the following information students today and throughout the week. Parents, please talk with your children about these tips as well:

  • Any child who is sick at school should be sent home.
  • Teach your students to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand rub. (Video:
  • Teach students to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or by coughing into the inside of your elbow.
  • Teach your children to stay away from people who are sick.
  • People who are sick should stay home from work or school until they are better.

District staff are formulating contingency plans in the event schools are required to close for an extended period of time. We will continue to work with MPHD and monitor the situation.

Below are resources available for staff, students and families. Although some of the resources address the flu, the same protective measures should be taken for COVID-19.  Routine good cleaning and disinfecting daily is critical.  

Mayan Letter Exchange

Students in grades 3 and 4 are taking part in a letter exchange with Mayan children in the Palajunoj Valley of Guatemala as part of our month of activities associated with Latin American Night.  With help from Señora Poole, Sylvan Park students wrote these letters in Spanish and will receive letters from the Guatemalan students in late March.  Latin American Night will benefit the Primeros Pasos clinic, which serves children and their families in the Palajunoj Valley.

Call for Donations, Volunteers

Our call to action has come!

Robert Churchwell Elementary (North Nashville) will be relocating their students and teachers to Park Avenue Elementary.  Please help us welcome them to the Sylvan Park neighborhood.  We are currently in need of the following: 

1. Park Avenue School is looking for volunteers tomorrow to help move classrooms around to accommodate the new students.  They will be working at the school from 7am-7pm. Show up any time you can!

2. Sylvan Park PTO has organized a school supply drive.  We are currently looking for volunteers to sign up to help collect and organize supplies.  Please sign up to help here: 

3. Lastly, we are in need of school supplies (see list below)! You can drop off donations tomorrow at Park Avenue School between 8am-4pm.

We are so thankful for the giving spirit of Sylvan Park!

  • Fiskars scissors – blunt tip
  • Large pink erasers
  • Boxes of regular sized Crayola crayons
  • Expo Dry Erase Markers
  • Elmer’s glue sticks
  • Crayola markers, CLASSIC colors, 
  • Crayola watercolors
  • Kleenex tissues
  • Copy paper
  • Pencils                               
  • 1/2 inch binders
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Clorox  wipes
  • Paper towels
  • earbuds
  • wide rule filler paper
  • wide rule spiral notebooks 
  • 2-pocket folders

Superheros in Second Grade

Mrs. Dunaway’s “Super Readers” kicking off Read Across America Week. Costumes provided by Cindy Martinez (Noah Young’s mother).

Marathon Kids Gets Underway

The weather allowed Marathon Kids to meet last week and hear words of inspiration from Ms. Doucet.

Box Tops Results

Congratulations!!! Sylvan Park has collected a total of $353 for the Box Tops competition for the 2019/20 year! The following highlighted classes will be rewarded with ONE NON-SSA DAY! Stay tuned for the reward day date. Thanks for everyone’s participation and keep scanning Box Top receipts!

West End Middle wrapped the Box Tops competition this year with $196.90 of totally free money!  Eakin Elementary’s current total is $235.40. Great job to all schools and families!

Guest Readers Brighten Week

Guest readers are helping students celebrate reading and beloved author Dr. Seuss during Read Across America Week at Sylvan Park. Parents are visiting classrooms and the library as VIP readers all week.

Volunteer Readers Requested

Parents and friends of Sylvan Park are invited to be guest readers during Read Across America Week March 2 – 6. Please visit the signup here to choose a time. Questions? Contact Rae Finnie at

PTM Game Night 2020

Sylvan Park kindergarten students and friends enjoyed a game of Twister at last week’s family game night with Preston Taylor Ministries. 

Fourth graders get serious about having fun.

Gardening Science

First graders studied seeds in Science lab Friday before planting some in the school garden.

Kindergarten Kindness

Kindergarten students get excited about kindness reading with Ping by Ani Castillo with Ms. Finnie

Family Game Night at Preston Taylor Ministries

PTM Game Night is an annual family potluck night at Preston Taylor Ministries. The event allows Sylvan Park families to enjoy time with one of our valuable community partners. PTO provides a main dish; families are invited to bring sides and desserts. See the flyer for details about what to bring and where to go!

1st Grade Food Drive

First graders read Boxes for Katje, a book about a young girl living in Holland after World War II. Her family and neighbors patch their old worn clothing and go without everyday items like soap and milk, until an American girl, Rosie, starts sending care packages to Katje. This books shows that no matter the age, anyone can make a difference. The first graders hosted their own canned food drive and donated the items to families in need in our community, showing them that even at their age they can make a huge difference!