Mrs. Dunaway’s “Super Readers” kicking off Read Across America Week. Costumes provided by Cindy Martinez (Noah Young’s mother).
Marathon Kids Gets Underway
The weather allowed Marathon Kids to meet last week and hear words of inspiration from Ms. Doucet.
Box Tops Results
Congratulations!!! Sylvan Park has collected a total of $353 for the Box Tops competition for the 2019/20 year! The following highlighted classes will be rewarded with ONE NON-SSA DAY! Stay tuned for the reward day date. Thanks for everyone’s participation and keep scanning Box Top receipts!
West End Middle wrapped the Box Tops competition this year with $196.90 of totally free money! Eakin Elementary’s current total is $235.40. Great job to all schools and families!
Guest Readers Brighten Week
Guest readers are helping students celebrate reading and beloved author Dr. Seuss during Read Across America Week at Sylvan Park. Parents are visiting classrooms and the library as VIP readers all week.
Volunteer Readers Requested
Parents and friends of Sylvan Park are invited to be guest readers during Read Across America Week March 2 – 6. Please visit the signup here to choose a time. Questions? Contact Rae Finnie at
PTM Game Night 2020
Sylvan Park kindergarten students and friends enjoyed a game of Twister at last week’s family game night with Preston Taylor Ministries.
Fourth graders get serious about having fun.
Gardening Science
First graders studied seeds in Science lab Friday before planting some in the school garden.
Kindergarten Kindness
Kindergarten students get excited about kindness reading with Ping by Ani Castillo with Ms. Finnie
Family Game Night at Preston Taylor Ministries
PTM Game Night is an annual family potluck night at Preston Taylor Ministries. The event allows Sylvan Park families to enjoy time with one of our valuable community partners. PTO provides a main dish; families are invited to bring sides and desserts. See the flyer for details about what to bring and where to go!
1st Grade Food Drive
First graders read Boxes for Katje, a book about a young girl living in Holland after World War II. Her family and neighbors patch their old worn clothing and go without everyday items like soap and milk, until an American girl, Rosie, starts sending care packages to Katje. This books shows that no matter the age, anyone can make a difference. The first graders hosted their own canned food drive and donated the items to families in need in our community, showing them that even at their age they can make a huge difference!
Catered Lunch for Teachers
Thanks to the PTO Teacher Appreciation Committee for organizing a catered lunch from Daddy’s Dogs for teachers last week.
Box Tops Competition
Second Grade Biography Projects
Ms. Hunt’s second graders composed biographies of famous Americans and created bottle buddies in the likeness of their chosen person.