First PTO mtg Goetz updates 1. Classroom prep still happening 2. August 1st teachers return 3. Roster reveal, do not park in back of building; voting should not be impeded 4. Meet the teachers is Monday night the 7th 4-6 5. Tuesday the 8th - 11:30 pick up for K same on 9th 6. New pick up passes this year (license size) 7. Metro PD had a security summit this year 8. Kelly Bulbulkaya - new librarian Casey Budget updates 1. Carnival was very profitable - $12,779 2. Luggage tags for Kindergarten this year 3. Ice cream social 4. Teacher appreciation - we can do gift cards for teachers 5. Use the Amazon account, get with Cassie or Casey for the debit card, which is easier than reimbursing 6. Disclose if you have an interest or conflict of interest 7. Keep 20% in our operating account 8. Jon will be doing newsletter/website/canva - Leah on sm 9. Newsletters have historically gone out on Tuesdays; email Cassie and John if it needs to go in the newsletter; deadline 10. Free breakfast and lunch this year again 11. Preston Taylor ministry 12. Club information - Clubs start after Labor Day 1. Tennis Wednesdays 2. Chess Thursdays 3. Nature Explorers could be Wed or Thursday 4. Soccer Thursdays (mid Aug starting off campus) 5. Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts are both later in the evening 6. Offers for Steam on Mondays for K-2 and Tues for 3-5 1. All clubs offer up to 20 people 7. Board votes for Steam and Stage Stars; Goetz needs to know caps for each club and cost for each will be announced 13. Box tops, Kroger, Publix rewards 14. Aug 3rd Kindgergarten coffee 15. August 5th parent work day (9-2) 16. Ice cream social (Monika) - we’ll sell swag and shirts, give away yard signs and magnets 17. Jon will look into sticker to put on yard signs w fundraising QR code 18. Tears and cheers half day Aug 8th 19. Granola with Grands August 31st - Jessie Fundraising updates Jenn, Jamie, Ashley 1. Fun(d) run 2. This year funding an interventionist for classroom teachers and students 3. Last year we raised $40k from parents and this year we want $80k 4. Hero, Streetcar, Parnassian, Cafe Nonna will all do spirit nights (social night for parents, teachers get free tickets) 5. Jennifer Wright will help with home room fundraising communication 6. Rachel Welty is doing events - she needs a co-chair